Are you new to planning events, and want a little help?
The following is a generic Event Planning Checklist that will help you get started in identifying all of the details you’ll need to consider as well as an indication of the timelines involved with your event planning process.
Event Planning Checklist
Establish your event goals and objectives.
Select your event's date.
Develop an event master plan.
Create an event budget.
Brand your event and begin publicity.
Arrange sponsorships and speakers for your event.
Launch ticket sales.
Coordinate with event suppliers (catering, equipment, etc).
Manage event day set up and execution.
Conduct a thorough evaluation of your event.
Of course, the earlier you can start working on your event, the better — that way you'll be as prepared as possible when any issues come up (as they probably will).
The First Steps in Your Event Checklist: 4-6 Months Ahead of Event
The further in advance you can start planning, the better — but I've noticed that most organisations we work with start planning their big events like galas and fundraisers about 6 months in advance. Here's what you need to do to get started.
Establish your event goals and objectives.
Select the date.
Identify venue and negotiate details.
Develop an event master plan.
Get cost estimates.
Create an event budget.
Recruit an event committee.
Brand your event.
Create and launch publicity plan.
Identify and confirm speakers/presenters/entertainers.
Identify and contact sponsors/partners.
Determine if you need event registration software to make the process easier.
Determine if you need other event management software.
Release early-bird tickets.
3-4 Months Ahead of Event: Starting to Ramp Up Now that you have some of the foundational parts of your event figured out, it's time to start executing on the rest. If your event is coming up in a few months, you'll need to start communicating with all the stakeholders outside your organisation and continue coordinating with them. Some points you'll need to remember include:
Build out required documents for your team.
Speaker/presenter/entertainer liaison
Venue and logistics planning
Follow publicity plan
1-2 Months Prior To Event: Keep on Going
You're getting there! At this point, you're probably spending more and more time focusing on the event and finalising some details.
Send reminders to your contact list regarding registration and participation.
Reach out again to presenters/speakers regarding
Sponsorship finalisation
Continue executing on your publicity plan
Close early-bird tickets; release standard pricing.
Finalize and proofread printed materials.
1 Week Prior to the Event: The Home Stretch
You're getting so close! By this point, the majority of the event details should be confirmed and all that's left will be final touches, such as:
Have all committee chairs meet and confirm all details against Master Plan. Y
Finalize event script.
Brief any/all hosts, greeters, volunteers about their event duties and timelines.
Finalize your seating plan.
Provide final registration numbers to caterer.
Make print and online copies of any speeches, videos, and presentations.
Do a final registration check, including name badges & registration list.
Determine photo op and interview opportunities with any presenters and VIPs.
Confirm details with media attendees.
1 Day Before the Event: Almost There
Here are a few last-minute details you might want to remember:
Confirm media attendance
Ensure all signage is in place
Ensure registration and media tables are prepared.
Ensure all promo items, gifts, plaques, trophies, etc. are on-site.
Ensure all A/V equipment is set up and working properly.
Get a good night's sleep!
Event Day: Your Time to Shine
The big day has arrived! Here's what you have to remember:
Take a few deep breaths — you got this!
Ensure you have copies of all instructions, directions, phone numbers, keys, extra parking permits for VIP guests, seating charts and guest lists with you
Check in with each Committee Chair
Assist sponsors, speakers, and other teams as needed.
Greet new attendees.
Immediately Following Event: Post-Event Follow-Up While you need to conduct a thorough evaluation and update your budget, there are post-event publicity, fundraising and member development opportunities that you can take advantage of with just a little pre-event planning. Here are some of the activities you might consider once the event is over:
Check in with venue.
Financial status, payments etc.
Send thank-you’s and acknowledgement letters to sponsors, media, volunteers, speakers etc.
In your thank-you notes, be sure to remind the recipients of the event’s success – and how they contributed (e.g., dollars raised, awareness - number of participants, etc.)
I hope you found this checklist helpful in getting started with event planning! Use this as a starting point to identify or assign activities to various volunteers or staff, or print this off so you can literally check off items as they are assigned or accomplished.